
IBS and the COVID vaccine

Over the last few months, we have received a number of enquiries from members of The IBS Network asking if the COVID19 vaccination has any untoward effect on IBS. We are not aware of any data to suggest that the vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 (the virus causing COVID-19, the disease) causes a...

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Coping with lockdown

As England goes back into lockdown tomorrow, we wanted to share our thoughts to help you cope with the difficult weeks ahead. However challenging life may become, remember, we’ve done it before, and we can do it again. If you find yourself getting stressed or anxious, remind yourself...

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Are you nervous about lockdown easing?

As the lockdown restrictions ease, you will probably have mixed feelings about going out. It’s natural to be nervous, so here we share our advice for taking those small steps back into the outside world. For people living with IBS, the medical advice is that you are no more vulnerable to...

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Armchair Adventurer

Although lockdown is easing, the limitations on our freedom still remain. In this blog post, our chief executive, Alison, explains how she is still enjoying the world without travelling anywhere. For many, including me, last week was a tough one. I spoke with so many members who were really...

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How to avoid excessive snacking during lockdown

Are you snacking more during lockdown? If so, our latest blog post explains what you can do to help curb your cravings. Eating is often an emotional response when we feel sad, anxious, overwhelmed or even just bored. With the coronavirus crisis, it’s no surprise that many of us are snacking...

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Life during lockdown

How are you spending your time during lockdown? In this blog post our chief executive, Alison, shares her experience. I expect, like many people at the beginning of the lockdown, I made a list. Well, actually, I made two lists; one for all the things I want to get done in the home and one for...

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IBS diet advice during lockdown

Has your diet changed during lockdown? Are you eating more because of boredom, loneliness or dislocation? Has your diet changed for the worst because of food shortages? Or have you been able to make any positive changes? We know that many of our members are struggling to get...

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Download your FREE Take Control of Your IBS guide

This month is IBS Awareness Month. It’s a time when we step up our efforts to raise awareness of IBS and the challenges people living with the condition face. With the recent coronavirus crisis, the team here at the charity believe it is more important than ever to continue our work raising...

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Top tips for staying at home and managing your IBS

Following the government’s advice to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives, we wanted to share our advice for staying at home and managing your IBS. Stay hydrated Drinking water regularly is important for your mental and physical health and can also help with...

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