Our members tell us that one of the many advantages of being part of The IBS Network community is having access to a team of IBS highly experienced, specialist clinicians, including gastroenterologists, neurogastroenterologists, dietitians, hypnotherapists and many more.

To help you get the most out of membership, we’ve put this guide together. Please take a few minutes to read it before you consider submitting a question.

All our experts work full time in private or NHS clinics, and volunteer for The IBS Network. They are busy health professionals, specialising in IBS. They will respond to all submitted questions but this may, understandably, take one or two days. They are unable to give an immediate response. Please be patient and know that we will get back to you as soon as we can.

To use our Ask the Experts online service.

You can send your questions to our clinical experts at any time by using our online Ask the Experts service. All you need to do is:

Sign in to The IBS Network website theibsnetwork.org using your email address and the password you set up;

  • on the HOME page scroll across to MEMBER BENEFITS and click;
  • scroll down to the ASK THE EXPERTS picture box at the bottom of the page and click; and
  • scroll down to the pink SUBMIT A QUESTION area of the page.

BEFORE you submit a question though, enter a key word from your question in the search box, for example, ‘Constipation’. All questions that other members have posed to our experts around constipation will then come up along with their answers. You may find the answer to your query straightaway, without having to wait a few days.

When submitting your questions online, we make every attempt to respond within five to seven working days. Please do not phone or email the office about medical enquiries. We are not clinicians so are unable to give you specific medical advice.

To assist the health professional in giving you the answer you need, please:

  • keep your questions short (100 words or fewer);
  • make them specific;
  • provide details of your IBS symptoms (as you know, IBS is different in everyone);
  • ask a question that requires a direct and concise answer;
  • do not ask an open-ended question, i.e. my doctor has diagnosed IBS. What can I do?; and
  • check your question has not already been asked, (see paragraph above about using the Ask the Experts search facility).
  • In the title box type in the title of your question and not your name or title.

When you submit a question, you will receive an automated email acknowledging receipt of your question.

You will receive another automated emailing alerting you when an expert has given a response to your question.  This email will include a link to the Ask the Expert page.

BEFORE you click on the link, make sure you are signed in as a member.

Scroll down to the pink area of the page. Your question with corresponding answer will be one of the first half dozen.

For more information about other membership benefits available to you, please visit our website here.