See what events The IBS Network are hosting or attending.
Tuesday 25th April 2023
On Tuesday 25 April 2023 for our webinar IBS and Mental Health with mental health nurse Emma Davies took place.
In the webinar, Emma talked about the connection between mental health and the management of IBS symptoms.
Tuesday 18th April 2023
On Tuesday 18 April our webinar IBS and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) with psychological wellbeing practitioner Shanice Warner took place.
In the webinar, Shanice explained more about CBT and how you can use CBT strategies to reframe your negative thoughts around living with IB...
Tuesday 4th April 2023
On Tuesday 4 April 2023 for our webinar IBS and Stress Management with stress management consultant Sophie West took place.
In the webinar Sophie discussed strategies to reduce stress, helping you to live better with your IBS.
Our webinars have proved very popular.
Tuesday 14th March 2023
On Tuesday 14 March 2023 our webinar Take Control of Your IBS with gastroenterologist Peter Whorwell took place.
In the webinar Peter discussed how to take control of your IBS to live well with the condition.
Webinar: Back-to-Basics with your IBS
Saturday 18th February 2023
On Saturday 18 February 2023 our webinar Back-to-Basics with your IBS, with registered dietitian Monika Bettney took place.
In the webinar, Monika discussed:
- the first line approach to the treatment of IBS;dietary changes to ease your IBS symptoms;
- The Lo...
What is Gut-Directed CBT and how can Mahana IBS Help?
Monday 23rd January 2023
On Monday 23 January 2023 we hosted a webinar on IBS and cognitive behavioural therapy with experts and patients from Mahana IBS.
Webinar: Living with IBS: Resilience and Inner Strength
Monday 7th November 2022
The cost is £5 to members and £15 to non-members.
At 11am on Monday 7 November 2022 our webinar on Living with IBS: Resilience and Inner Strength,took place which was hosted by mental health nurse Emma Davies.
Webinar: An evening of guided relaxation with hypnotherapist Sophie West
Monday 24th October 2022
On Monday 24 October 2022 we held for an evening of guided relaxation with our hypnotherapist Sophie West.
One in three adults suffer from the effects of unmanaged stress. While feelings of stress and anxiety are a perfectly normal part of life, too much stress and anxiety can quickl...
Webinar: IBS and Women’s Health
Monday 17th October 2022
The cost is £5 to members and £15 to non-members.
Our webinar on Monday 17 October 2022 at 6pm we talked about IBS and Women’s Health.
Webinar: How hypnotherapy can help IBS
Tuesday 19th July 2022
Webinar: How hypnotherapy can help you manage your IBS symptoms, Tuesday 19 July at 11am.
Have you ever tried hypnotherapy to help manage your IBS? Or have the many myths surrounding the therapy deterred you?
In our latest webinar, Sophie West, a highly qualified and experi...
Webinar: Dietary Strategies for People with IBS
Wednesday 8th June 2022
Wednesday 8 June at 7pm BST.
We’re delighted to be working in partnership with Bimuno to bring you this webinar with registered dietitian Laura Tilt.
Laura has specialist experience in IBS, gut health, and weight management, and has worked across a br...
What can I eat?’ is the question that most people with IBS would like answered
Wednesday 20th April 2022
In our second webinar marking IBS Awareness Month, IBS specialist registered dietitian Laura Coster will be talking about managing IBS through diet.
The webinar is taking place on Wednesday 20 April at 12 noon and lasts for one hour, allowing 10 minutes for questions.
Webinar: Stress, Anxiety and IBS
Monday 4th April 2022
The IBS Network’s mental health and wellbeing adviser Mike Lawrence is holding a webinar for those struggling with their mental health.
The webinar is taking place on Monday 4 April 2022 from 11am until 12 noon. It will focus on strategies to help manage your IBS symptoms of st...
The IBS Network at The Health and Wellbeing Show
Thursday 3rd March 2022
The IBS Network will be exhibiting at the Health and Wellbeing at Work Conference in Birmingham between 15 and 16 March 2022.
The IBS Network Annual General Meeting
Monday 15th November 2021
The IBS Network held its Annual General Meeting on Monday 15 November 2021.
Thank you to everyone who attended. The meeting was an opportunity to reflect on the charity’s achievements over the past year.
Our virtual AGM
Wednesday 27th January 2021
The IBS Network held its 2020 AGM (virtually) on Monday 11 January. Thank you to everyone who came along. The past year has certainly had its challenges, but we were delighted to have so many positives to share.
Training for Support Group Leaders
Saturday 6th April 2019
Can you be a Support Group Leader? If you are a health care professional with an interest in supporting people with IBS, or you are someone with IBS who wants to help others manage their condition, sign up to this one-day free Group Leader training course. &...
Yakult - sponsor and exhibitor
Saturday 14th April 2018
Delegate bag and lanyard sponsor
Yakult was founded by the Japanese Scientist Dr Shirota, who in the 1930s selected and cultivated Lactobacillus casei Shirota, a unique strain of bacteria that is scientifically proven to reach the gut alive.
Bio-kult - exhibitor
Saturday 14th April 2018
Getting stressed easily and anxious in situations is commonly seen in those who suffer from IBS, a condition strongly associated with an imbalanced gut flora. Bio-Kult is a scientifically developed, advanced multi-strain formula containing 14 live bacterial...
Ferring - exhibitor
Saturday 14th April 2018
Ferring Pharmaceuticals is a multi-national company with corporateheadquarters in Saint-Prex Switzerland; the organisation’s marketing, medical services and sales teams operate in more than 50 countries and employ over4000 people throughout the world....
Headline Sponsor and exhibitor
Saturday 14th April 2018
Headline sponsor and Exhibitor
The Functional Gut Clinic is the UK’s only independent UKAS accredited GI Physiology service.Our core interest is to use state of the art technology to try and understand how the gut is functioning and to identify what is ca...
Irwin Mitchell - exhibitor
Saturday 14th April 2018
When it comes to suffering with a debilitating illness, we know that every moment of a client’s recovery is important. Widely regarded as the number one personal injury law firm*, we help get clients the best financial settlement, medical care and reh...
Schar - exhibitor
Saturday 14th April 2018
Schär, Europe’s number one gluten free brand*, have had a range of their foods tested and certified by Monash University as suitable for those following a low FODMAP diet to help manage their IBS.
Silicol gel - exhibitor
Saturday 14th April 2018
IBS symptoms are very often caused by irritants, toxins and pathogens. When these disturb the stomach or intestines this can cause the digestive tract to malfunction.
Foodmaestro - Catering sponsor
Saturday 14th April 2018
Catering sponsor
Foodmaestro was founded with a simple mission to help consumers answer one simple questions, Can I eat this? Developed in partnership with Kings College London and Guy’s & St Thomas’s NHS Trust.
FODMAP easy - exhibitor
Saturday 14th April 2018
We are a friendly family run business with an interest in fresh, home-cooked tasting foods. 2017 was an interesting year for our family and one which took a quick and unexpected turn into the world of IBS and IBD. Our drive for sta...
a2 Milk - Exhibitor
Saturday 14th April 2018
a2 Milk™ is naturally free from the A1 protein found in regular cows' milk so it’s gentle on sensitive tummies, easy to digest and less likely to trigger symptoms of milk intolerance.
The IBS Network conference and exhibition 2018
Saturday 14th April 2018
In April 2018 we held our 2nd national conference Exploring the self-management of IBS and what that really means to you.
The IBS Network, the national charity which supports thousands of people living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), was proud to host&...
Conference delegates testimonials from 2016
In answer to the question, what did you particularly like about the day, comments included:
“It felt amazing to be able to speak freely and not feel ashamed or embarrassed and the people were just fabulous.”
“As a health worker it was beneficial to the work I do with clients to get an insight into the patients perspective of IBS. Also I gained knowledge of how patients are treated with the NHS”
“I was very much engaged in the morning; clear presentations, facilitated debate and discussion, cookery demonstration excellent.”
“I thought the diversity of presentations and balance of personal and professional experience made the day accessible and prevented information overload”
“loved hearing from the medics”
“Thank you so much for your brilliantly organised day and joining The Network last year was a positive move, so thank you”
“I wanted to drop you a line to express my appreciation for the Conference you held a few weeks back. I was there and was quite inspired to see some many other people with similar complaints to myself and learn that I'm not alone in my suffering.”
“Thank you so much and I hope there will be more in the future as the conference was interesting and very educational.”
Videos from previous conference